The obligation to provide for a child should mean a great deal to both parents. In a divorce or in a situation where the parents live in separate households, finances are always a concern. If you expect to pay child support, you might be worried about whether you will have enough left over after support payments to meet your own needs. If you expect to receive support, you may be concerned about whether it will be enough to support your child and continue to pay your monthly expenses.
Child support should be fair and appropriate. Texas child support law is intended to achieve that outcome. Texas uses guidelines set forth in the Texas Family Code to determine the amount of child support. However, your child’s needs and circumstances may require a deviation from those guidelines. Knowing the obligor’s income and documenting the child’s needed expenses are paramount to determining an appropriate amount of child support. That is why it is essential to have an experienced Texas child support attorney representing your interests.
Like other states, Texas uses a formula to calculate the appropriate amount of child support in a given situation. A noncustodial parent should pay child support based on a percentage of that parent’s income. The percentage increases with each child, from 20% for one child up to a maximum of 40% for six or more children. The income of the custodial parent is not considered in calculations.
The amount of resources upon which child support is calculated is capped; the cap is adjusted annually for inflation. That means that the amount of child support awarded also has an upper limit. If there are facts proven that justify an award of child support above that limit, a Texas court has the power to adjust the amount of the award upward as appropriate. For this reason, it is particularly important for individuals with a high-net-worth to have experienced legal representation in Texas child support matters.
By its nature, child support in many cases can go on for several years until the child reaches the age of 18 and has graduated high school. During that time, the income of the obligor (payor) of child support may change, as may the needs of the children. A knowledgeable child support attorney can help achieve a modification of Texas child support when appropriate, and help enforce an existing order when needed.
At Sadler Family Law, we have years of experience dealing with complex Texas child support matters. Our firm is equipped to deal with difficult issues, including significant or variable income, concealed income and resources, and more. We have working relationships with respected financial professionals, including forensic accountants, tax professionals, and others who can help us obtain an accurate picture of a family’s finances and financial needs.
At Sadler Family Law, we understand that child support issues can be contentious and anxiety-provoking. We strive to not only achieve a favorable outcome for our clients, but to make the process as low-stress as possible through our responsive, attentive personal service.
Family law attorney James P. Sadler represents people involved in divorces, child custody disputes, and other family law matters in San Angelo and throughout West Texas. He advocates for his clients’ rights and interests both in the courtroom and at the negotiating table. We invite you to contact Sadler Family Law online or at (325) 227-6738 to schedule a confidential office consultation.
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